Blackbaud Merchant Services


Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit PAY-I-329 We would like better BBMS disbursement reporting (Fund & Constituent)..

Add donor designation to BBMS report Merged

It would be beneficial to have the donor designation included on the BBMS report. The accounting office would like to verify the fund selections and import into FE by batch.  This would also be an added precaution should gifts not import correctly from online express or Luminate.  For example, it was recently discovered off the BBMS report that over 300 transactions did not import from Luminate into Raiser's Edge.  The only way to get these gifts recorded in RE is by a BBMS import, however, the report does not indicate which designation the donor selected (we have 17 programs in our agency).  Unfortunately, without having the designation on the BBMS report, there is no way to decipher where to code these donations to which programs.  I hope you will take this request into consideration for efficiency purposes and as another means for checks and balances.  Thank you. 

  • Guest
  • Aug 8 2018
  • Guest commented
    27 May, 2021 09:21pm

    I came on here looking for how to find the fund designation in BBMS but I see there is no way to determine if from that platform. I definately vote for this addition.