Blackbaud Merchant Services

Bring back the ability to do a partial refund

In the old BBMS site we were able to enter the exact amount that needed to be refunded (partial refund). In the new BBMS portal we only have two options - just the complete cover amount or the full amount including complete cover. There is no way to do a partial. This has been confirmed with Blackbaud support.

Scenario: We had someone register two people for our upcoming Champlain Weekend. The charge is $150 ($75/person). One of the registrants cannot attend and has requested a refund of $75.00. There is no way to refund just the $75.00.

  • Roland Palmer
  • Sep 10 2022
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Mina Mistry commented
    18 Oct, 2022 01:05pm

    Thanks for your feedback - we will review this with our team.