Blackbaud Merchant Services

Mobile Pay devises quickly out of date

Mobile Pay devises need headphone jack.  Most phones now no longer have headphone jacks.  Using a dongle make the swiping process awkward.  So we probably will not be using mobile pay in the future unless there is a solution like updating the devises to connect directly to the apple lightning port.  Please update devises. 

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  • Jan 15 2020
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  • Clint Boswell commented
    January 15, 2020 16:32


    Thanks for the feedback. We have been actively assessing replacement mobile card readers for a few months now for the very reason you are highlighting. We hope to have more details to share on new readers in our Payments Product webinars later in the year, so keep an eye out for the announcements for those sessions.

    Clint Boswell