Blackbaud Merchant Services

Include "Comments" field from MobilePay transactions in BBMS transaction reports / exports

Example: silent auction fundraising event when one donor 1) buys a ticket for $50, 2) wins a silent auction item for $100, and makes a charitable donation for $50. You would obviously only swipe their card once at check out for the $200 total rather than making them wait for you to swipe their card 3 times.  Currently you can make a note in the "Comments" field in the Acknowledgement screen where you can note the breakdown of of the total of the transaction, but that "Comments" field is not available in BBMS transaction reports.  


"Comments" field needs to be added to transaction reports so that a report of dozens or hundreds of transactions can be exported that includes this info.


Rather than the current way of having to individually open each transaction to view this field which is not exportable.

  • Guest
  • Mar 12 2019
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    26 Feb, 2020 07:09pm

    I am new to BBMS and would love to be able to configure the fields available in the payment/transaction report.  As discussed, the report option currently does not include the "Comments" field, but the Export option doesn't include the "authorization code" field.  Both of these fields are important to track credit card payments.  As we're not able to configure our report fields individually, can Blackbaud either add it to the Report option or the Export option?  It makes more sense to add it to the Export option which is data details.  Please consider adding this detail.

  • Guest commented
    12 Mar, 2019 06:55pm

    Thank you Dan!!!!  Yes - I see it in the export.  When I was eChat-ing with Blackbaud help they pointed me to an article that said the only way to see this info was to click on the circle on the left of each individual transaction to see it, that it couldn't be exported.

  • Deleted User commented
    12 Mar, 2019 04:39pm

    Hi Adam!  Thanks for the feedback.  Currently if you perform a transaction search you can export all of the transactions you're filtering on and you'll find the "Comments" in column M (if you're using Excel).  That is the primary export tool for advanced data needs.  Does that help?